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Medicaid's Fiscal Cliff

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss the Department of Health's plans to cut $200 million from state healthcare programs, including Medicaid. They also dicuss how these cuts will make it harder for patients to see doctors and how Wyoming should reform Medicaid. 
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Medicaid's Mental Health Scandal

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss Medicaid's tragic impact on mentally ill patients and why Medicaid expansion won't provide them better healthcare access.  
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Medicaid, Mental Illness, and Malpractice

by Charles Katebi In the eyes of progressives, Obamacare provides for all of society's needs: It creates jobs! It heals the sick! It balances state budgets! Now the Obama Administration claims it expands healthcare access to patients with mental illnesses. According to a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services, 1.9 million low-in...
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The Road to Real Healthcare Reform

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari on KVOW discuss why healthcare in Wyoming is so expensive and how to make it more affordable. 
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Why Was Medicaid Expansion Rejected and Is There a Better Alternative?

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss the legislature's rejection of Medicaid expansion and how Wyoming could provide better healthcare for low-income patients.
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Reforming Entitlements Benefit Patients and Taxpayers Alike

by Charles Katebi Entitlements used to be considered the "third-rail" of American politics. Now the public recognizes that without major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, both programs threaten our fiscal future. Fortunately, there are reforms that not only save taxpayers money, but also deliver better healthcare to the elderly and needy. But befor...
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Medicare and Medicaid: A Tale of Two Scams

by Charles Katebi Medicare and Medicaid are the two largest government-run health insurance programs in the United States, and arguably the world. Combined, they cover an estimated 120 million Americans and spend a quarter of the federal government's budget. And without major reforms, these entitlements threaten to bankrupt taxpayers and hang patie...
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Colorado's Medicaid Expansion Blunder, Part 2

Colorado Senator Kevin Lundberg explains why Wyoming shouldn't repeat Colorado's disastrous mistake of expanding Medicaid. 
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Colorado's Medicaid Expansion Blunder, Part 1

Charles Katebi interviews Senator Kevin Lundberg, Republican of Colorado's 49th District about to sell Medicaid Expansion and Colorado's error. 
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Wyoming Is Safe from Medicaid Expansion – But Could it Rise Again?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free. PJ O'Rourke Choosing to expand Medicaid is like deciding to marry for the sake of a dream honeymoon when disillusionment is the likely outcome. Fortunately, seven members of the Joint Appropriations Committee rescued Wyoming from a looming and ill-conceived ...
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